Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs



Dr Mian is trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, brief focused therapy, motivational interviewing amongst other modalities. If you are not already in treatment with a therapist, upon evaluation, Dr Mian may consider a few sessions of weekly therapy which will include medication management as well.

50 mins |  $400  

New evaluations/ Consultations

A consultation for evaluation and determining diagnoses and treatment recommendations that can require one or more appointments. Dr Mian is often consulted on cases by other physicians and these appointments are not always followed by ongoing treatment. It may take more than an hour to finish these evaluations and the charge would be accordingly.

60 mins |  $500  

Medication Management

Dr Mian utilizes and enhances her patient care with careful consideration of psychopharmacology, if absolutely necessary. These appointments include monitoring of drug-drug interactions and medical problems as is indicated. These appointments maybe weekly, bimonthly or monthly.

20 mins |  $250

“Dr Mian is competent and caring- everything you need in a doctor.”

“Dr Mian was amazing in taking care of me when i needed her the most. She took me out of the darkest times of my life and my life has changed since I started seeing her eight years ago. She is my one person i can always count on. I highly recommend her.”